Leading Fertility Journey Coach Mentor and Healer Your New Fertility Journey
without the heartbreak and isolation
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Heal Nurture Thrive

Hi, I’m Constantina.

I’ve travelled the lonely infertility path for almost four long years. I know you. You’ve been to the doctors. You’ve tried acupuncture. You’ve meditated and watched the calendar. The fertility journey is consuming your every thought. You feel like your life is on hold and you’re living in an unknown world.

As a life coach and healer specialising in fertility, I can help you get out of the all consuming monthly cycle and back to living your true spirit. Let’s find out what’s holding you back.

It’s time to start your new fertility journey

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Stop living your life on hold

The waiting game doesn’t have to be so lonely and full of despair. In Australia, one in nine couples are affected by infertility and worldwide, it’s increasing. Stress, worry and our frantic lives can create negative emotions and a downward spiral that’s hard to break.

You are not alone

Break out of the spiral today. The fertility journey is unique for everyone, so don’t suffer in silence. You need someone to guide you through the turbulent emotions who has been there before.

"Live from your soul and
your world will open up.”

Constantina Bessiris

Let’s have a chat

Everyone’s fertility journey is different. But the feelings of confusion, isolation and anxiousness are suffered in silence by too many women. Make the change. Schedule a free 20 minute call with me today about how we can open your world up and lighten your journey.